Statics There is an issue that i feel is not really brought up a lot and that is the issue with US citizens owning handguns. Do they have the right to own for their own safety? What if a person is plotting to commit a terrible crime while using their owned handgun? Could this have been prevented? My argument is : Are guns simply for protection? Obviously, these were created to kill something or someone, opposed to them being created for protection. According to the Violence Policy Center (VPC), the United States leads the industrialized world in firearms violence of all types, mostly homicides, suicides, and unintentional deaths. Most of the violence involves the use of a handgun. Handguns are easily concealed, engineeres for maximum lethality, relatively inexpensive, and easy to acquire. On average, handguns are used in nearly 70 percent of firearm suicides, and 80 percent of firearm homicides. The United States has not so much a firearms problem as a handgun problem.
According to the Violence Policy Center, the mythology woven around the handgun by the gun lobby clouds the reality that a handgun is a consumer product that ought to be judged and regulated by the same standards applied to all other products.However, the firearms industry is exempt from basic federal consumer product health and safety regulation.This link further more explains some statics and reasons as to why guns ought to be banned. VPC
Each state in the US has a different policy that deals with ownership of handguns State Laws for hand guns .
State Laws
I found this link the most interesting because it has a bunch of different points of views and personal opinons on the issue with handguns Create Debate .Create Debate
This link talks about if anyone is really safe, and if banning guns will help prevent violence or cause more.
Will you be safe .
This link involves the supreme court and the issue with banning handguns. Supreme court.
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